Sunday, November 25, 2007

Week 10 Summary

Let me start by saying that this has been fun and it has been real but I can truly say that it is a tad bit much for me. These exercises have really taught me that there is a very large generation gap, at least conserning me. I guess I'm a little slow at adapting to technology because I don't think that I will be blogging, tagging, or creating a myspace any time soon. I do think that it's all great if that is what your into and maybe with time I'll jump on it too. But as for today I'm not ready. As far as the library 2.0 and web 2.0 I believe that it's helpful to some but I'm not sure if that would include the majority of our patrons. Let's face it when the computers crash and the lights go out its good to know that you can always reach for a good book and read by candle light/flash light. Some of the ideas are good and helpful cause I'm really liking the library elf but as far as everything being online, well i'm not to sure. I like talking to people face to face and reading a book that I can hold. After experiencing the crash we had on Oct 23rd and dealing with the backlash I'd really be afraid to put all my pennies in that bucket, but then that's just me and these are my thoughts.

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